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A Major Pentatonic Box 1 #guitarlessons
5 Pentatonic Boxes for Major & Minor Soloing - CAGED System!
The Best Pentatonic Shape? [Works all over the Neck]
THIS is how you learn the PENTATONICS
Play PERFECT Solos within SECONDS From Now Using Pentatonic Box Checklists (NO Mistakes!!)
The underrated pentatonic box you should use (because Joe Bonamassa does!)
Two Simple Shapes UNLOCK the Pentatonic Scale EVERYWHERE - and make it MORE musical!
The Five Positions of the Minor Pentatonic Scale for Guitar - The EASY way
John Mayer Teaches His PENTATONIC EQUATOR Concept with fretLIVE Animations! (Guitar Lesson)
Do You Know Your Five Pentatonic Boxes?
Spice up your pentatonic box 4 with this little trick!
Stuck in the pentatonic box?